# Configuration

The election compass is configured in JSON format. The configuration file contains all the theses answers, parties, logos, translations for any number of languages and other settings.

Did we mention the Configuration Editor?

You can write the configuration by hand, or you can try our Configuration Editor. The Configuration Editor generates JSON files in the format of the election compass. This is particularly useful for people with no technical background.

👉 Configuration Editor

# Version

The configuration file schema is versioned. The current version '1'. Every configuration file has a version property, so that the version used can easily be determined:

  "version": "1"

# Algorithm

There are several algorithms and answer styles that evolved over time. Since the OpenElectionCompass was crafted to mimic the behaviour of the most popular voting advice application in Germany, the default style is using three buttons and the so called cityblock algorithm.

# Available algorithms and answer styles

  • cityblock/approve-neutral-reject:
  • cityblock/approve-partly-reject:
    • Works exactly like the previous one, but the neutral button is labelled 'partly' instead.
    • Buttons: 3 – Approve, Partly, Reject
    • Matching algorithm: Cityblock
    • Demo (opens new window)
  • hybrid:
    • Provides more precise results, as more options are available and the direction is taken into account more during evaluation.
    • Buttons: 5 – Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Reject, Strongly Reject
    • Matching algorithm: Hybrid
    • Demo (opens new window)

# Configuration example

  "version": "1",
  "algorithm": "cityblock/approve-neutral-reject"

# Internationalization

A single configuration file contains all the languages that the election compass should offer. The available languages are defined in the configuration.

  // The following line is from the example above! All attributes go into the same JSON object, but
  // we will omit them in the other examples to keep things short.
  "version": "1",
  "languages": [{
    "name": "English",
    "code": "en"
  }, {
    "name": "Deutsch",
    "code": "de"

Use the name of the language in the language itself for the name attribute.

For the code attribute, use the two letter, lowercase language code as defined by ISO 639-1. Example: "en" for English, "de" for German, etc.

Content elements, such as theses and answers, can now be translated in a sub-object. You can see how to do this in the example of the next section. All attributes where an object with translations is expected are marked as 'multilingual'.

# Overwriting standard translations

You can pass overwrites for any string in the standard translation files. Just replicate the structure of the YAML translation files and your translations will be merged when the application is loaded.

  "version": "1",
  "languages": [{
    "name": "English",
    "code": "en",
    "overwrites": {
      "elements": { // <-- This a first level key in the YAML translation file
        "guide-button": {
          "introduction": "Get started!"
  }, {
    "name": "Deutsch",
    "code": "de"

More on overwriting translation in the guide: Overwriting Translations.

# General Information

On the root level, the JSON files contain general information, like the title and subtitle, as displayed in the start section of every election compass.

  // version, languages, algorithm, etc.
  // ...
  "title": {
    "en": "Hogwarts Head Boy and Girl Elections 1993",
    "de": "Hogwarts Schülervertretung 1993"
  "subtitle": {
    "en": "An election compass by Hermione Granger",
    "de": "Ein Wahlkompass von Hermine Granger"
  "introduction": {
    "heading": {
      "en": "Welcome to the Election Compass",
      "de": "Willkommen zum Wahlkompass"
    "text": {
      "en": "All 5 contending students have answered the 10 theses of the Election Compass ...",
      "de": "Alle 5 teilnehmenden Studierenden haben die 10 Thesen des Wahlkompasses ..."

# title multilingual

The title of the election. Will be displayed as a h1 element in the start section. Should be precise and not too long.

Example: "General Election of the United Nations 2050"

# subtitle multilingual

The subtitle, visible in the start section. Should, for example, mention the responsible organization.

Example: "This election compass is provided by your local democracy support group."

# introduction.heading mehrsprachig

Below the start section is a short introduction section that starts with a heading. Use about 3 to 5 welcoming words.

Example: "Welcome to the Election Compass"

# introduction.text mehrsprachig

Provide a short introduction to your election compass. Don't add explanations on how it works, rather tell your audience, who you are and why you are doing this, how many parties participated, etc. About 2 - 5 sentences.

Example: "All 9 parties that are participating in the election have ..."

# Parties

The parties property in the root section contains an array of parties:

  // version, languages, title, subtitle, etc.
  // ...
  "parties": [{
    "alias": "spew",
    "name": {
      "en": "Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare",
      "de": "Bund für Elfenrechte"
    "short": {
      "en": "SPEW",
      "de": "B.ELFE.R"
    "description": {
      "en": "The Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare was founded in 1991 and has since put great efforts into improving the lifes of those in our service.",
      "de": "Die Bund für Elfenrechte wurde 1991 gegründet und hat seither große Anstrengungen unternommen um das Leben derer zu verbessern, die uns dienen."
  }, {
    // another party

# parties[].name multilingual

The full name of the party, without abbrevations.

Example: "Super Democratic Party"

# parties[].short multilingual

The abbrevation or short name of the party, as it is usually used in logos, charts, etc.

Example: "SDP"

# parties[].alias

The identifier of the party, used for technical purposes. Simply enter the abbrevation of the party name in small letters without spaces and make sure it is unique (no two parties may have the same identifier). The identifier is used in the theses objects to map the positions to the respective parties.

Example: "sdp"

# parties[].description multilingual

A small description of the history or the political direction of this party.

Example: "The SDP was established in 2000 and is a very cool party. Vote for it. It is very good."

(Of course, this is a terrible example 😉)

The party's logo. This string will be passed to the src attribute of an img element. You can therefore use an URL or a Base64 encoded file. For simplicity, this is what the Configuration Editor will do. Whichever you choose, make sure the files are as small as possible, compatible with all browsers and vector based whenever possible. SVG files work best, PNG is second and JPG is third. The images should have the following dimensions: 400 x 400 px.

Example for Base64: "..." Example for URL: "https://example.com/logos/sdp.svg"

# Theses

The theses property in the root section contains an array of theses:

  // version, languages, title, parties, etc.
  // ...
  "theses": [{
    "statement": {
      "en": "The Sorting Hat should implement a GDPR-compliant privacy policy.",
      "de": "Der Sprechende Hut soll sich in Zukunft an die DSGVO halten."
    "positions": {
      "spew": {
        "position": "approve",
        "explanation": {
          "en": "Expecto riddikulus aparecium ferula evanesco lacarnum ...",
          "de": "Expecto riddikulus aparecium ferula evanesco lacarnum ..."
      "snape": {
        "position": "reject",
        "explanation": {
          "en": "Lumos amortentia stupefy immobilus patronum. Funnunculus ...",
          "de": "Lumos amortentia stupefy immobilus patronum. Funnunculus ..."
      /* ... more positions for this thesis */
  }, {
    /* ... more theses */

# theses[].title multilingual

A short name, describing what this thesis is about. Two to four words. Will be visible above the actual statement.

Example: "Political Education"

# theses[].statement multilingual

The actual thesis. Choose your words carefully! The thesis needs to be balanced and specific enough. Explain what should be implemented, but don't be too detailed about how this might be achieved.

Example: "The government should increase financial support of political education."

You can add definitions for difficult terms by wrapping them in square brackets and adding an explanation in angle brackets immediately afterwards.

Example: "The government should regulate [Osmosis]<The spontaneous net movement of solvent molecules.> immediately."

The term is marked with a dotted line in the presentation of the thesis and the definition displayed on mouseover or tap.

# theses[].positions[]

Every thesis has a positions key containing an array of answers:

  // thesis object
  // ...
  "spew": { // refers to the `alias` of a party
    "position": "approve",
    "explanation": {
      "en": "Expecto riddikulus aparecium ferula evanesco lacarnum ...",
      "de": "Expecto riddikulus aparecium ferula evanesco lacarnum ..."
    // another position

# theses[].positions[].position

The partie's position regarding the respective thesis.

Possible values:

  • approve – The party approves this thesis.
  • neutral – The party is neutral to this thesis.
  • reject – The party rejects this thesis.
  • skip – The party didn't provide any position.

# theses[].positions[].explanation multilingual

The parties explanation regarding their position.

Example: "If all of this comes off as mixed-up to you, that's because it is! ..."

# Analysis

For scientific purposes, the OpenElectionCompass supports collecting statistical data through an opt-in tool. When the results are presented, a small window will nicely ask users to donate their data – anonymously – to science. With the click of a button, the data is transmitted to a backend for storage.

  • Answers given, including the factor (the important setting)
  • The results for every party, including the state of selection

Additionally, users can answer more questions to further qualify the dataset. Whenever they answer another question, an updated dataset will be sent to the backend. That way, users don't have to answer all questions.

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Education
  • Voting intention

This catalogue of questions can be adapted to your needs. Though at the moment you'll need a developer to do that as there is no configuration support, yet. In the meantime, you can also provide a link to a follow-up questionnaire. After all of the above questions are answered, users can follow the link to your custom questionnaire to provide even more insight.

A word of caution

This feature is intended to support science. Other institutions, like the media or political parties, should not take advantage of this. Furthermore, this feature was intentionally designed to put the user's privacy first. It is strictly opt-in only, users can stop answering at any point and their data is anonymous and can, by default, not be traced back to them. If you want to collect names, e-mail adresses, et cetera, please do so in the follow-up questionnaire and state explicitly, that you will be able to connect their name to their answers. Please use with respect and responsibility.

  // version, languages, title, parties, theses, etc.
  // ...
  "analysis": {
    "endpoint": "https://example.com/data/luedenscheid",
    "institution": {
      "de": "Universität Münster",
      "en": "University Münster"
    "survey": {
      "de": "http://example.com/survey/de",
      "en": "http://example.com/survey/en"

# analysis.endpoint

This is the route, all datasets will be send to. You'll need a server listening to incoming data and a database. A request will look like this:

POST https://example.com/data/luedenscheid

  "signature": "qQu1Pr3cTzpK1HzMox-Iv",
  "data": {
    "answers": [{
      "answer": "approve",
      "factor": 1
    }, {
      "answer": "reject",
      "factor": 1
    }, {
      "answer": "strongly-reject",
      "factor": 1
    }, {
      "answer": "skip",
      "factor": 1
    }, {
      "answer": "strongly-approve",
      "factor": 1
    }, {
      "answer": "approve",
      "factor": 2
    }, {
      "answer": "neutral",
      "factor": 1
    "parties": [{
      "alias": "spew",
      "selected": true,
      "result": 0.7857142857142857
    }, {
      "alias": "snape",
      "selected": true,
      "result": 0.46428571428571425
    }, {
      "alias": "qlp",
      "selected": false,
      "result": 0.17857142857142855
    }, {
      "alias": "fun",
      "selected": true,
      "result": 0.6785714285714285
    }, {
      "alias": "fff",
      "selected": false,
      "result": 0.3571428571428571
    "analysis": {
      "age": "27",
      "gender": "male",
      "education": "higher",
      "party": "snape"

The signature is a nanoid (opens new window) that is generated whith every pageview. You can use it to identify the user on the server-side to update existing datasets.

The rest of the structure should be self-explanatory.

Example: "https://example.com/data/luedenscheid"

# analysis.institution multilingual

This contains the name of your institution / university / research group.

Example: "University Münster"

# analysis.survey multilingual

Use this option to provide a follow-up questionnaire for user's that answered all other questions.

Example: "http://example.com/survey/de"

The optional footer-links property in the root section contains an array of links. These links will be displayed in the footer and at the bottom of the navigation. Here you can link to your home page, privacy policy, about page, etc.

  // version, languages, title, parties, theses, etc.
  // ...
  "footer-links": [
      "text": {
        "en": "About Hogwarts",
        "de": "Über Hogwarts"
      "href": {
        "en": "https://open-election-compass.com",
        "de": "https://open-election-compass.com/de/"
      "text": {
        "en": "About the Head Boy and Girl",
        "de": "Über die Schülervertretung"
      "href": {
        "en": "https://open-election-compass.com",
        "de": "https://open-election-compass.com/de/"

The link's caption. Keep it short and precise, 1 – 3 words.

Example: "Privacy Policy"

The actual link as it appears in your browser's address bar. You can provide separate links for every language in case the linked resource is also multilingual. If not, simply enter the same link for every language.

Example: "https://example.com"